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Crowns and Birds, Swords and Things/Blue Lily Lily Blue


A mix for the magic and the wonder, for finding yourself and finding the un-findable, for magicians, mirrors, swords, and kings - for growth, love, loss, and possibility.

An instrumental soundtrack/mix for Maggie Stiefvater's Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Book and characters (c) Maggie Stiefvater

Tracklist: wispofwillow.tumblr.com/post/143096463984/crowns-and-birds-swords-and-thingsblue-lily-lily

14 tracks
1 comment on Crowns and Birds, Swords and Things/Blue Lily Lily Blue

@Illegalbeingnamederika Thank you so much!! I'm glad you've enjoyed this one, too - I had some fun with some of the sort of odder songs! (Honestly, I have been slowly piecing together many sort-of playlists centered around The Raven Cycle, and spending far too much time thinking about both the books and the music, so probably more are coming - though the next few might not be instrumental! So...be warned, I guess?)

@Illegalbeingnamederika Thank you for the encouragement! I hope you will enjoy some of them (though I cannot promise anything about their quality, haha)! I am glad to see you say that about the Raven Cycle - it seems especially true as the release of The Raven King approaches!
