Óenaráin Nic Morrígnae

110 playlists

Updated July 29, 2021

Personal alterhuman collection. regarding the Morrígan, divinity, and being a shard of a larger whole. regarding demonhood, magical girl-hood, and making shitty, self-serving, self-destroying decisions. regarding lives: ava ire, mikuni oriko, nogi sonoko, [leopard seal mermaid], beatrice the golden, roxy lalonde, anna harley, caetuna of rubrum, sirius-altaïr, and yakumo yukari. regarding that awful fucking hole in your chest that nothing seems to fill, and the hubris of wanting to be whole again: "I want everything you have." ⚳ ⚶ ⚴ ⚕ ㉛ (704) (511) (532) ⑮ ⚵ (52)