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ᴵ ''ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ'' ᴵ ᵏᶰᵉʷ ʸᵒᵘˑˑ


S: ''What should I do...? I've become unable to forgive you...If you weren't being possessed they why on earth did you do what you did?..''
- Shinya to Guren page 40 Chapter 47. via translations by xatanic@tumblr.

aka chapter 47 was suffering... I really hope we can get answers in next chapter or even when the next light novel comes out. I really hope the rest of the squad is okay too; :')

* This could be considered a gureshin playlist but it could also just be for either character pov (point of view)so, take as you will.

" I want people to tell their children terrifying stories about the things we did for one's we love."

- Edit: 7/12/16: Bonus song 13 added. "Hurts" -Mika

13 tracks
1 comment on ᴵ ''ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ'' ᴵ ᵏᶰᵉʷ ʸᵒᵘˑˑ

Seeing this so soon after reading chapter 47, and reading that quote again honestly almost made me cry ;-; I also just realized that all of my fav GureShin playlists have been made by you so thank you for owning my shipper soul lol

@lotrfan8811 I put that quote cause I know how much pain it has cause even I to suffer. (as well as the fandom as whole?!) Even still after the chapter has come out... OH! Well hearing that makes my day :') though there are pretty good amount of gureshin playlist out there I am glad you enjoy mine just as much! I plan on continuing to make more for them as Owari is still ongoing and has taken over as one my main fandoms.
