71 comments on Winter, Fire, and Snow by ThrandysBoy

@mala.a This has to do with 8tracks' licensing agreement. You can visit their licensing page if you want to get a better understanding how the site is able operate without violating copyrights.

@mala.a Click on "About" and there will be a heading that says "Legal." Underneath is "Licensing" and that will take you to the page with all that information. If you have other questions go to the help page under "Extras" and that will take you to FAQs and Troubleshooting. Cheers! :-)

This truly is a stunning playlist. I am super stressed out for finals week but this helps immensely. I look forward to seeing more inspiring playlists in the future! :)

Oh my goodness thank you so much everyone for your wonderful comments and taking the time to listen to this playlist. Also, thank you to Staff Picks for the feature! Have a lovely day! ^_^
