22 comments on My Sassenach by TheWishingBone

I found this playlist while searching for good Outlander-related celtic music, and not only is the music beautiful but I found I concentrate a lot better on my work with this on! A very bonnie mix ;)

The track For the Dancing and The Dreaming is performed by Erutan, and it's a cover from the original in How To Train Your Dragon 2, in case you wanted to fix the attribution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCOe4x-LXcE. I love Erutan! She has plenty of Celtic and Medieval original and cover songs, and is perfect for this playlist!

I really love this playlist, except for one small thing. The music from Riverdance is Irish, not Scottish, and if a Scottish Highland dancer heard it, he/she would be insulted, because Scottish dancing is so very different. My daughter is a professional level Scottish Highland dancer, and she would direct you to more appropriate music such as Scottish reels and traditional music for the Highland Fling, the Scottish Sword Dance, and the Broadsword dance.

@anon-733086442 I'm sorry that this would be offensive to some, I chose music purely from what I felt connected me to the series, which mainly is celtic music (which consists of both Irish and Scottish music amongst others!) and I did however never say that the playlist included ONLY scottish/Gaelic music, for then there are others songs in there that I would exclude, so I picked the music purely for the enjoyment of connecting it to outlander. I have, however, removed the song from Riverdance (who's irish origin I was aware of, hence the name and that I used to dance. Not Riverdance per-sé, but you tend to get to know a bit about both this and that!) Thank you however from pointing this out, I would not want to offend anyone. The song has been removed.

This is a beautiful playlist. That break midseason left me with time to fill with other shows, so as I'm now in the middle of a marathon of another show. I was going to just wait until I was done with that show to binge all the old and new Outlander episodes. But now you've made me want to go home right after work and start back at the beginning and forget waiting!

@darkcrystal1839 Oh I just downloaded the newest two episodes after the midseason hiatus.. I've watched one and I'm just trying so hard so savior the last one because I don't want to wait! An amazing series, and you really ought to read the books if you haven't already. They're splendid. Glad you enjoyed the playlist! <3

@TheWishingBone That was my main reason for waiting too, I want to savor them! And by savor I mean spend an entire weekend binge watching the entire season, completely immersing myself! lol. I've been told by many friends that I NEED to read the books, and believe me, they're on my to read list. Unfortunately, that list is quite long. But I'll get down to them eventually. :)

not to be a stalker, but I discovered your playlists this week (particularly listened to the Game of Thrones Wilding one in preparation for the premiere this weekend!) and I thought how it would be so perfect if you made an Outlander one too....and wow here it is...

@lovelivvv Not stalker-creepy at all, I'm incredibly flattered! I too am ever so excited for the Game of Thrones premiere (OH THE WAITING) and this Outlander mix has been a long time coming, I'm all too invested in the serie and the books. Absolutely love it. Thank you for listening! <3
