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Self Conversations Of A Lonely Cosmonaut


Just a regular day in space. Daily maintenance of the space shuttle. Putting my mixtape in my walkman and going out for a little check out. I can smell the jealousy stench of the stars from this point where I float. It is because of the music; but they can hear the music? No way! How is it possible? Then not only stars but also other lifeforms from far planets might be hearing. Such a thrill! Well, I guess it is just my imagination; but maybe no. Who knows?

16 tracks
3 comments on Self Conversations Of A Lonely Cosmonaut

You consistently have the best mixes and open doors to other paths of music that I love too. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I gotta buy you a coffee or a beer someday. I love scrolling through all the playlists, looking at all the artwork and creative titles. I just started getting into your collections. I love it. Honestly, the reliability factor is the thing I find so fascinating. I can count on coming to your page and enjoying the next moments of my life.

@r8ssi I will have this comment as a present for myself on my birthday so that I can have it framed on my wall as a fixture asset :) It is so precious to have a compliment on something that I love, enjoy spending time with. That is why I love this website. Connecting people with same music interest at a climax level. I am really happy that you have that kind of reliability. No words that I can think of can express my gratitude. Thank you too.

@mphsto For a second I felt like one of those music arrangers that are listed in the credits in movies based on books. Sorry for the lack of imagination on description; The excitement of suspension of publishing this mix came over any of my creativity for writing something good. But yea, I am happy that I could let you live that kind of 2 hours consecutively.
