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2018 Favorites Rock/Metal


A mix of my top 52 (in no particular order) favorite rock and and metal songs released in 2018. It isn't a perfect list for a number of factors - including, but not limited to: 8tracks limiting 2 songs per artist per playlist, copyright issues, upload issues, having not heard every single rock/metal song released this year, personal error, etc.. But I did the best with what I had, so I hope you all enjoy!

Top 10 Albums of the Year:
1.) Ember
2.) Holy Hell
3.) Defy
4.) Dark Skies
5.) I Let the Devil In
6.) Erase Me
7.) Neon
8.) Six
9.) Nadir
10.) Reverence

Honorable Mentions: When the End Began, Spiral Gaze - EP, Victim of the New Disease, Geist

52 tracks
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