80 comments on Let's go outside to the breeze. by sayYEAHagain

Découverte hier, réécoutée aujourd'hui, cette liste musicale a beaucoup de peps et d'originalité. Une musique très plaisante à l'oreille. Merci d'avoir réalisé cette belle compil'. Original sound and atmosphere throughout your playlist which I discovered yesterday and I am listening to again today. Nice music. Thanks for such a nice job.

This is one of my favorite 8tracks playlists! I don't even normally listen to this kind of music, but these songs have such a nice vibe together and is so de-stressing.

Really great sounds. I am an independent acoustic artist/songwriter. Some of my songs may be suitable for the Let's go outside to the breeze playlist. Follow the links on my profile for free downloads...thanks for listening :)

Interesting playlist; music usually I don't listen to, but to describe this playlist: relaxing and powerful, good for winter start and the first snow

@mindthegap805 Thank you very much! When I made this playlist I just threw together some songs which resoponded to my mood at that time. It is only just now that I realize that it is quite eclectic and brings together some songs which I never thought would work together.
