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Halloween Party, or Songs to Eat Halloween Candy To


A Halloween mix featuring France Gall, The Moontrekkers. Listen all day long or while primping for Halloween night, while sharing your siblings' candy post trick-or-treating

19 tracks
3 comments on Halloween Party, or Songs to Eat Halloween Candy To


Beware, Bill Buchanan
Frankenstein, France Gall
House of Horrors, Merv Griffin
My Girlfriend is a Witch, October Country
The Bogey Man, The Moontrekkers
Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde, The Crystalairs
Ghost Hop,The Surfmen
Igor's Party, Tony's Monstrosities
Dracula, Christine Pilzer
At the House of Frankenstein, Big Bee Kornegay
Ghost Guitars, Baron Daemon & The Vampires
The Mad Scientist, The Zanies
Dracula's Theme, The Ghouls
He's a Vampire, Archie King
Frankenstein's Den, Hollywood Flames
Nightmare Mash, Billy Lee Riley
Rockin' Zombie, The Crewnecks
The Shadow Knows, The Coasters
The Voodoo Walk, Sonny Richard's "Panics" with Cindy & Misty
I'm In the Ground For Good, The Newports
