Having abandoned a promising musical career as a young man, Chris picked up his guitar again in his 40s because he had recruited a virtuoso drummer by the unusual method of siring one (internet sensation and "Gangnam drummer" Matt Harwood-Jones). Some dads spend quality time with their sons on the soccer field or hockey rink: in the Harwood-Jones' house quality time meant jamming to tunes by RUSH, Allan Holdsworth, Tribal Tech, Chick Corea and Uzeb.

With Matt's emergence as a drumming phenomenon, the musical genie had been released and there was no going back. Jamming led to performing, which led to writing original material, which led to recording. In the process, Chris developed a set of signature tones built around unique pickups that he designed and wound by hand.

A cold call and a demo mp3 brought legendary bassist Alain Caron into the project, and a visit with world-class recording engineer Norman Robidoux secured the support of Hammerhead Studio. With Caron on board, serious studio backing, and major contributions from Toronto keyboardist Mike Janzen, Montreal singer Kim Richardson, San Diego master drummer Bill Ray as well as from talented local artists, the completed album "Unhooked" was catapulted up to a quality level rarely found outside of cities like Montreal, London, New York or L.A..

Chris' music has been described "an update on the heavy fusion sound of the late 1970s that at times resembles the vibe of Jeff Beck’s Guitar Shop... It's finely controlled mayhem and heavy expressionism... [and] ...a startling jazz-rock discovery". [Dean Gordon-Smith of the Vernon Morning Star]. It features athletic performances, organic and muscular tones, and tight, meaty compositions, while remaining accessible to any lover of jazz or rock music.
