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awareness is the innate ability to construct a universe by means of determining its present composition & defining its current parameters. in the sense that we each build our own worlds this way, we can embody Shiva; this process is eternal.

"The welfare of this world is prosperity (abhyudaya), & the other world is transcendence (nisreyas). Prosperity is attained through harmonizing acts (dharma), wealth (artha) & pleasures (kama). These 3 are known as the triad (trivarga). Transcendence is attained through freedom from the bondage of ignorance (moksa)."

a slightly different collection of hindustani raag deviations themed towards indian devotional meditations, peace & relaxation. mostly female vocalists, spiritual chants & spanish influences

Kishori Amonkar, Lakshmi Shankar, Deepak Ram

13 tracks
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