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Rare Early 1950's Songs


Songs that you might not have heard for a while, or maybe not at all depending on your age and musical tastes.

I hope you enjoy these, it is a treat for the ears that you should give yourself the chance to hear.

60 tracks
2 comments on Rare Early 1950's Songs

I have no idea I got the picture off of of a Google image search. If I was a betting man, in this culture of constant Photo-Shopping madness, I would guess it was Photo-Shopped.

@hello brooklyn Pretty sure it's real because if you go and look at actresses from that time, all of them have insane tiny waste. They did corsets and the whole shebang.

@frozenstone @phoenixfaithfromfire @hello brooklyn In fact this is real! This gal is Betty Brosmer, and had an iconic waistline. Most women tended to have 23-25 inch waists in the 1950's due to waist garments and fashion.
