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Una folla di scheletri nel mio armadio senza ante CD2 (Franco Turra, 2009)


The playlist of Franco Turra's crap & rarities' compilation, that's the worst of his worst (in his words), that's his "skeletons in the closet"!!! We're talking about 2 CDs crammed of absolute rarities, written and recorded from 1988 to 2005, in the most odd situations, which because of many reasons have been left hidden, or never included in his previous albums anyway. Maybe it would be better they would have never seen the light in many cases, but we think there could be many pleasant surprises. Anyway we're sure that it's a very fierce way to expose himself "tout court", without veils, showing all sides of his talent, even the less enjoyable ones. We believe there are no many people available to get naked like this!! Don't you agree? Satisfaction (and curiosity) guaranteed. :-)

23 tracks
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