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a slytherin study mix for late night cram sessions, creating study games, splitting into teams to see who knows the material the best, and who will win the prize bag of hogsmeade candy and knowing the seventh years can always be approached for questions and homework help;;

collab with joshdallas (8tracks) aka kateausten (tumblr)
gryffindor: http://8tracks.com/outllawqueen/6798826
ravenclaw: http://8tracks.com/joshdallas/6782205
hufflepuff: http://8tracks.com/joshdallas/6782198

credit to my dear friend taylor (lilirabe | 8tracks) for the description!

12 tracks
24 comments on THE WAY TO GREATNESS (View all)

I continually come back to this playlist again and again - I have lost count of how many papers I've written, tests I've studied for, and readings I've done with this in the background. I hate 8tracks for not letting me continually listen to it on repeat. Kudos to you, and absolutely flawless playlist.

@snailbaby you could just delete that cookie in your browser (probably need to restart it) and you can listen to that playlist over and over again! :) firefox even lets you delete your cookies after every session: by closing firefox every cookie is deleted automatically if you enabled that feature.

@7moths Wow that's brilliant, that really had never crossed my mind to do before, such a simple and effective solution to such a common problem. Thank you for that one :D

I love playlists with songs I don't know about but instinctly fall in love with, this one does that like a piece of cake. One of the best instrumental playlist I have heard.

This is absolutely beautiful. I love the way these songs fit together. Fantastic use of El Transcurrir De Las Horas.
