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For journeys that stretch far beyond the Dark Sea of Darkness and the Ice Prairies of Kimera and the very depths of the dungeons of the Phoob Islands and into the Blackwood and all the way to the Shining Isle of Anneria. For Thronewardens and Second-born Kings and Songmaidens and the undying love that binds them together. In the words of Stanley the Second-ish, Ruler of Something, "Come! Give it a listen; it is quite good!"

Artwork by Joe Sutphin

21 tracks
3 comments on The Wingfeather Saga

@AnyaDomanova My cousin gave me the first two books as a Christmas present a few years back, and I was hooked as soon as I read "A Brief Introduction to the World of Aerwiar", followed by "A Slightly Less Brief Introduction to the World of Aerwiar". :D

I really enjoyed the Wingfeather Saga (though I never managed to find a copy of the last book at the library) and this mix is both relaxing and happy ;)

@tsukiimaru Oh, thank you so much! It's my absolute favorite series ever! I hope you can find a copy of The Warden and the Wolf King, it's the best in the series in my opinion! :)
