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Broken Bell Curve (90-minute ride)


"There's that feeling again, that fluttery feeling of mental weightlessness, like the times when you wake up in the dark, on the hood of a car, a bottle in your hand, no idea what day it is, some girl shouting at you in Arabic."

-John Dies At The End

{All songs are annotated with suggested indoor cycling directions. The numbers in the annotation refer to the original order of the songs.}

22 tracks
2 comments on Broken Bell Curve (90-minute ride)

this mix could be renamed butter expeller. I can attest to its powerful fat-jamming properties. magique! but now my socks are sopped.

Hilarious and slightly nauseating! I can't help imagine what it would be like if we sweated butter. Those would be some seriously saturated socks.

Saturated! HA! The puns, they BURN. You genius. I think it'd make it hard to stay in the saddle too, if we sweated butter.
