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johnnyugh's second March 2010 mix

1 comment on johnnyugh's second March 2010 mix

1. A song w/ hand claps
2. A song w/ "sun" in title
3. A theme song
4. A cover you like better than original
5. An old song you recently heard for first time
6. A song that reminds you of first relationship
7. A song w/ your name in it
8. Song title = question
9. A b-side
10. A song from the year you graduated H.S.
11. A song you like from an artist you don't usually like
12. A sexy song
13. Your theme song
14. A song from the last album you bought
15. A song under 1 min
16. A song from the most recent artist you paid to see
17. A song that makes you cry
