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Chudmore Manor


A 2018 NaNoWriMo by Artoveli.

Chudmore Manor was built on a patch of thin space a couple of centuries ago, with its doors that open onto different historical eras depending on the day of the week, the random fits of interior weather, and the frequent Viking infestations. When the latest generation (two sisters) decide it's time to carry on the family line and accept some new blood into the mix, they start looking around for likely candidates. Enter Jack Tupple and John Toft, chosen by their wives largely for their ability to roll with things.

But outside of Chudmore Manor there is a threat that is gathering steam. BlueDuke, the rather fatherly evil overlord has had his sights on Chudmore Manor for years, and now it seems things might finally be turning in his favor.

32 tracks
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