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A Gothic Romance


"She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies."

A mix of instrumentals for masquerades inside of stone estates, for lovers dashing through forgotten halls, and for budding romances seeping into whispers between the cracks of almost-closed doors.

On tumblr (with tracklist): http://tinyurl.com/p87cq2e

14 tracks
11 comments on A Gothic Romance (View all)

I live in the US also! I watch it on Hulu, my mom has a subscription thank God haha I finished it a couple days ago!! I'm so upset but I started watching Jane the Virgin and it's great lol

It is! it's such a great show and I'll be sad when I'm finished with this season! I only have 2 left. :( Gosh I'm in love with Aramis but I also really love Porthos and Luke Pasqualino's character.. sorry I can't spell his name to save my life.

@BriaMetcalf That's so fantastic! :D I'm so happy that I could help. I've actually only recently started to write a gothic horror/romance novel, so my own playlist ended up helping me too! I'm planning to read Frankenstein soon! Best of luck!

@BriaMetcalf I haven't read it, but I have been back-and-forth on reading it or watching the newer film adaption! And ugh, yes, I could gush about Crimson Peak forever. It was so original and beautiful and tragic, and everything was so well thought out. You will really, really enjoy the book! Definitely the best film adaption I've seen, because it's so detailed and it enriches the story we already know. It may as well be a novel alone instead of just a movie adaption, it's so good!
