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there's a reason it's called a crush


Your name is DAVE STRIDER and you are so screwed.


crushes suck, so im venting with davejohn.

art by tumblr user halcyontorpidity

EDIT: wow!! thanks so much for getting this playlist to gold! ;)

10 tracks
4 comments on there's a reason it's called a crush

so i listened to this playlist trying to conquer a hefty crush about seven months ago or so (because obvs. shipping is the way to go) and long story short i ended up asking out that person and now we're literal irl johndave and idk where I was going with this comment but this playlist has a special place in my heart thanks

it's been a long time since this comment. we've been dating for three and a half years. we're sorta-kinda-unofficially engaged now, i guess? funnily enough it looks like we both listened to this playlist independently while crushing on each other. this playlist helped us each get through the weird crush feelings and secretly brought us together. that's pretty cool.
