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moonrise over shuksan


If one reads the biographies of physicists like Bohr, Heisenberg, Chandrashekhar, and Bethe, one gets the impression that without hikes in the mountains and the vision of night skies their science would not have amounted to much.

*Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

- featuring lymbyc systym, the flashbulb & black light burns

artwork & inspiration: Eric Mickelson
(photo | story: https://500px.com/photo/79288647/moonrise-over-shuksan-by-eric-mickelson)

10 tracks
6 comments on moonrise over shuksan

I love ambient music, so thanks for introducing me to such great pieces, I seldom get to listen. It was like this orderly blizzard of serene music came and swept over me! Arigato.

Thank you! A brilliant mix that resonates with me both aurally and visually since Mt. Shuksan is only a few miles from my home...

@kahnman Hearing that the mix resonates with you, who lives near that beautiful place, absolutely made my day. I haven't been to Mt. Shuksan before, but hopefully, it's yet to come. Thank you!
