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"You're travelling with my heart..." (An All the Bright Places Playlist)


So... HI! These are just some of the songs that reminds me of Finch and Violet. I tried to arrange the songs in order but idk if i did a good job at that. Anyway, i hope this will make you remember all the feels from reading that book. And if you haven't read it, SERIOUSLY. YOU. MUST. READ IT. Okay. That's all. Oh, and one last thing, feel free to comment about your feels or how much you love this book or how much you hate me for making the worst playlist and stuff. Really. Just talk to me.

p.s. i hope you'll love listening to this. if you think some songs should be added in the playlist, let me know in the comments. All love, you beautiful people of Earth!

14 tracks
3 comments on "You're travelling with my heart..." (An All the Bright Places Playlist)
