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Future Garden


You know you're all alone
Your friends they aren't at home
Everybody's gone to the garden
As you look into the trees
You can look but you don't see
The flowers seem to tease you at the garden
Everybody's there, but you don't seem to care
What's it with you man, and this garden

9 tracks
5 comments on Future Garden

I cannot say I am not a fan of your playlists. Third one I listent to, and there again, I am rather overwhelmed by your choices. I saw Chris Rea somewhere among your collection... I guess this is pure coincidence (together with Michael Franks and some other musics I did love when writing this morning). Thanks again, a pretty good taste you have (of course, I am definitely being biased, as it is the kind of music I like. LOL). I just wonder which generation you belong to, as your selections cover a rather varied spectrum... Je ne peux nier être fan de tes listes. C'est la troisième que j'écoute, depuis ce matin, et là encore, je suis plutôt renversée par tes choix. J'ai entraperçu Chris Rea dans ta collection de listes...;) Je suppose que c'est une pure coïncidence (comme pour Michael Franks et d'autres morceaux que j'ai vraiment adorés, alors que j'écrivais ce matin ). Merci encore, et quel bon goût tu as (bien sût, je suis totalement partiale, puisque c'est la musique que j'aime. MDR) Je me demande juste à quelle génération tu appartiens, vu que tes sélections couvrent un spectre assez large et varié...;)

@Eleunam HELLO. I am fun of many kind of music: starting from relax music,meditation, then jazz and blues , indie music , and also 70's ,folk and prog music. that depend of the hour i hear the music. (relax at morning, jazz and blues at night , other geners at the other hours). Listen to http://8tracks.com/eli-shmuel/sea-shell and enjoy.
