Physical Description:
- Fits into the category of normal. 5'5" in height and consumes 2,800 calories per day.

Mental Description:
- Bipolar. Loves visionary and surreal art. Curious about other life forms and often misunderstood.

I'm a graphic designer from the urban suburbs of Makati City, Philippines.

I love to bug up my mind by indulging in films and books such as eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, donnie darko, pink floyd, animatrix, deprivers, herbert west: reanimator and sandman. And anything from Howard Phillips Lovecraft helps.

Dreams of reaching Mt. Everest's summit, and joining the New York Film Academy.

I know what inspires me, but sometimes some strange show flashes in my head and if I don't think it's too morbid, I pick up my pen and try to re-create it.

I dream about zombie invasions on a regular basis. Trust me.. i'm prepared. hwrawr!

I think music and art are the best things since sliced bread. Which is pretty cool, because it's already been sliced for you, it makes life sweet, colorful and hardcore.

TOP TAGS chill, indie, acoustic, Bon Iver, study

Member since Aug 2012
