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hypnagogic bass diptych - the demons

9 comments on hypnagogic bass diptych - the demons (View all)

I get what you're saying, but I think it's more a reference than remix. the strings are sampled from twin peaks in both songs. in this song, the agent cooper diane monologs are also sampled from twin peaks. and this is on a twin peaks tribute cd. there are many many many songs that use that same string sample and they aren't go remixes. PofMU is clearly influenced by 90s techno/house and I think the "yeah" sampes are a reference to the fact that Moby used the same sample source for his track GO. but... if you wanna disagree go right ahead, it's not like I was in the studio with PofMU when he was making the track...

The break is the same break as Moby's Go, just slowed down. Obviously the Diane tape samples are added, but in effect (for me) this sounds like an enhanced version. I NEED that TP comp however!!!
