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Night has come. The sea has swallowed the sun, the moon is risen, and with it shines your dark heart. You are half agony, half ecstasy, altogether swept under his current– but here is the hidden truth: you are content to drown. It feels like a homecoming, a becoming, and the perfection of it scares you. (The hidden truth again: it excites you). There is only one thing left for you to do. The final step to be lost in one another; to be lost to the sea. You jump.

11 tracks
2 comments on Lost to the Sea

This is such a lovely mix, oh my gosh. But I was wondering if you were aware that the 3rd, 9th, and 10th tracks cut off before the song is over? I don't know if it's a soundcloud mix up or what, but all three of them just ended abruptly, mid-word in some cases! The tenth one didn't even last to the one minute mark. Perhaps this is an issue on my end, but my Internet's been fine in every other capacity so I thought it best to share in case they were easy fixes. This was such a good mix, I have to say again, I can't wait to go through the rest of what you've put together and shared!

@andthegall Hi! Oh my gosh I'm so late in responding but thank you for letting me know about this! It's so weird, I think something must have happened when I uploaded them. I've re-uploaded them and checked to make sure the entire song is there, so it should be perfect now! Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy some of the other mixes I've put together :)

@daysandhours No worries! I know how tricky 8tracks can be some time, I'm glad you got them working properly. I think I'll be spending the rest of the day going through your playlists again, which means it'll be a good day. :)
