20 comments on ebb and flow: writer's vol. 1 by ching#1337 was here212

this is really warm and cozy. at low volume it's perfect ahh classical music is so underrated but then again it's a matter of taste and preference. thank you for introducing me to some new pieces! Faurè is cool beans.

my family is always so loud and I can hear them from my room while im doing homework so I always wanna listen to music to drown it out but I can never concentrate but this playlist is so perfect I can even do my math homework while listening to it

I absolutely love this playlist! it's my favorite by far and it sounds so inspiring... so GREAT!!! Keep making more I absolutely adore this genre!

This mix is sheer perfection! Peaceful, beautiful, elegant .....this selection of pieces is all those things, and more. Very enjoyable!! Thank you so much for this.
