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(an instrumental playlist of my muse ; for my cardverse rp group)

4 of Hearts | Duchess Lin Xiao-Mei | Keeper of the Wardrobe & Knight | Daughter of the Jack of Spades

This is her journey.

original art source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16952408

8 tracks
1 comment on 4 of Hearts

This is the best Taiwan playlist I've found on 8tracks. no one else has captured who Mei is. Everything else is just ships. I wish there were more playlists that give Taiwan as much character as yours does.

@cattyk101 I agree that APH Taiwan needs more, well Taiwan-centric playlists rather than just shipping and am really glad that you liked this playlist! But if I am being honest http://8tracks.com/bubbleteahime/6863487 would probably be what I personally consider my best APH Taiwan playlist so far. And thanks for your comment!
