81 comments on Meet the 8tracks team by Beamed

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8tracks could change your life because they allow you the ability to be creative. You can allow them to make you famous around the world, be followed and admired even if in your own mind. The only question to ponder is "do you want to be a leader or a follower"? This requires no answer until you understand the premise. If you commit to being a LEADER, consider being a PLUS Member. It is worth every penny you invest. I'm just an average Joe and I don't work for 8Tracks. I believe in them because they believe in me.

Dandy, dandy list, and glad I found you folks. After my beloved Songza was Borged into the awful Play app, I was desperate for non-annoying playlists. Going to subscribe with my next payday!

I love 8tracks. I haven't replied to your e-mail invitation to own stock because I'm a chicken. But know that I want you to be well and prosper! P.S. great mix, love the rug

Yesterday, a friend of mine showed me a letter he wrote when he was 8 years old. In this he adressed to "Mr. Warner Brothers". My firned wanted to thank "him" for his cartoons, in wich he found friends for magical times. I felt touched for this action: adressing and thanking a persona superhero. Today I found this great playlist! And with it, the opportunity to thank the team that has made possible 8tracks, an initiative that seems to be born to make a dream come true for all music lovers around the world. I'm not an easy person to trust in everybody's taste on music, but, with 8tracks I've been having so good musical dosis, that it's a humble medicine for me, to open myself not only to the pleasure of music, but also to the personal touch of a handcrafted playlist. Thank you my personal superheros.
