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Breakzilla Breaks Vol. 12 : The last volume!

1 comment on Breakzilla Breaks Vol. 12 : The last volume!

I created these mixes around 7-8 years ago. Should be 15 in total. 2 or 3 were a kind of best of previous editions, featuring only the breaks from the songs - maybe volumes 10, 11 and 15 (I really cant remember as it was a while ago. i was originally part of the scene ground BSC (Breaks Sharing Community), who used to dig up old breaks on vinyl or identify breaks used in hip-hop songs.
Since most of the vinyl was sold a couple of years after creating this comps and a hard drive failure meant that I lost all recordings, the online versions are the only copies I have. I do have volume 10 and 15 though. You can find em all in their entirity if you search the net.
