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Intermission / Movie Music (film music)13

2 comments on Intermission / Movie Music (film music)13

do you really? damn,... john carpenter is the man! The Thing is like the scariest movie of all time... always creeps me out every time i watch it. i can say that for the Fog actually... even the track in this mix gives me the creeps at some parts.

and Big Trouble... i just had to say, who doesn't love that movie??!! how can you not?! ok that's my 2 cents about JC movies :) thx again for listening dude

no kiddin' - jc was my idol growing up - and then his work took a nose-dive into blandness - however, the thing is a top-3 for me - saw it far too young when it came out, and it changed my life in a way. oh man, big trouble! i think a halloween outfit of jack burton (btlc) would be a great one - or even snake plissken.
