Ariadne Dai
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The Circle of Tales V: The Twins' Tale


Two long-apart TWINS, a RED FIGHTER and a BLUE WIZARD, children of a FARMER, must set aside their differences with the aid of a HERMIT and confront their foes as one.

The Circle of Tales tells twelve connected stories set in a fantastical world. Each album tells the story of a character (two in this case) based on one of the signs of the western zodiac. Each story intersects with the stories before and after it in the zodiac, creating a full circle of overlapping tales. The listener gets to interpret the character at each moment in the story based on mood, imagery, title, original context, lyrics, or anything else that fits.

This mix owes a debt to, source of many free VGM arrangements. Please visit them for more.

About 80 minutes.

20 tracks
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