53 comments on recherché by _w

This mix is amazing, and so helpful to study with. It's probably the real reason I got a 2000 on my SAT to be honest! Right now I'm writing my term paper and this is helping to keep me going and get my brain functioning!

this is my favourite mix on this entire site. all of the songs help me focus and study so much when I can't seem to find the motivation or concentration to do so.

I created a profile just so I can comment on this. You have made an an absolutely incredible mix. Best I've come across, across all genres.

A lovely mix! I really enjoy listening to it when I'm writing because it's unobtrusive, yet it never fails to inspire me. Thank you for sharing!

thank you so much for keeping me focused. it has got me through my final year at high school and i aced it because of this playlist and because of you. thank you whoever you are wherever you are. you are officially the most amazing person ever. i can keep saying thank you forever really.

Lol this is sad because i am writing a paper on hospice care. MORBID. But thanks. Keeps me much more focused than up beat music : )

@ninjachigga @charchardaddy LET GO by wanderlusting soul. I am cracked open like a nutshell. This raw emotion is foreign to me. I told my myself "slow down, slow down, slow down, Stop, observe." I allowed my self to feel what was in me. Powerful energy that i truly felt was the driver. anger arose, love remained.
